Extending erdjs
Documentation in this section is preliminary and subject to change.
This tutorial will guide you through the process of extending and tailoring certain modules from erdjs.
Extending the Network Providers
The default classes from @elrondnetwork/erdjs-network-providers
should only be used as a starting point. As your dApp matures, make sure you switch to using your own network provider, tailored to your requirements (whether deriving from the default ones or writing a new one, from scratch) that directly interacts with the Elrond API (or Gateway).
Performing HTTP requests from scratch
One can broadcast transactions and GET resources from the Elrond API (or Gateway) by performing simple HTTP requests using the axios
utility. Below are a few examples:
Broadcasting a transaction:
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from "axios";
let tx = new Transaction({ /* provide the fields */ });
// ... sign the transaction using a dApp / signing provider
let data = tx.toSendable();
let url = "https://devnet-api.elrond.com/transactions";
let response: AxiosResponse = await axios.post(url, data, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
let txHash = response.data.txHash;
Fetching a transaction:
let url = `https://devnet-api.elrond.com/transactions/${txHash}`;
let response = await axios.get(url);
let transactionOnNetwork = TransactionOnNetwork.fromApiHttpResponse(txHash, response.data);
Querying a smart contract (with parsing the results):
let query = contract.createQuery({
func: new ContractFunction("foobar"),
args: [new AddressValue(addressOfAlice)],
caller: new Address("erd1...")
let url = "https://devnet-api.elrond.com/query";
let data = {
scAddress: query.address.bech32(),
caller: query.caller?.bech32() ? query.caller.bech32() : undefined,
funcName: query.func.toString(),
value: query.value ? query.value.toString() : undefined,
args: query.getEncodedArguments()
let response: AxiosResponse = await axios.post(url, data, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
let queryResponse = {
returnCode: response.data.returnCode,
returnMessage: response.data.returnMessage,
getReturnDataParts: () => response.data.returnData.map((item) => Buffer.from(item || "", "base64"));
let endpointDefinition = contract.getEndpoint("foobar");
let { firstValue, secondValue, returnCode } = resultsParser.parseQueryResponse(queryResponse, endpointDefinition);
Extending a default Network Provider
You can also derive from the default network providers (ApiNetworkProvider
and ProxyNetworkProvider
) and overwrite / add additional methods, making use of doGetGeneric()
and doPostGeneric()
export class MyTailoredNetworkProvider extends ApiNetworkProvider {
async getEconomics(): Promise<{totalSupply: number, marketCap: number}> {
let response = await this.doGetGeneric("economics");
return { totalSupply: response.totalSupply, marketCap: response.marketCap }
// ... other methods
Customizing the transaction awaiting
If, for some reason, the default transaction completion detection algorithm provided by erdjs does not satisfy your requirements, you may want to use a different strategy for transaction awaiting, such as:
await transactionWatcher.awaitAllEvents(transaction, ["mySpecialEventFoo", "mySpecialEventBar"]);
await transactionWatcher.awaitAnyEvents(transaction, ["mySpecialEventFoo", "mySpecialEventBar"]);
Extending the contract results parser
If, for some reason (e.g. a bug), the default ResultsParser
provided by erdjs does not satisfy your requirements, you may want to extend it and override the method createBundleWithCustomHeuristics()
export class MyTailoredResultsParser extends ResultsParser {
protected createBundleWithCustomHeuristics(transaction: ITransactionOnNetwork, transactionMetadata: TransactionMetadata): UntypedOutcomeBundle | null {
let returnMessage: string = "<< extract the message from the input transaction object >>";
let values: Buffer[] = [
Buffer.from("<< extract 1st result from the input transaction object >>"),
Buffer.from("<< extract 2nd result from the input transaction object >>"),
Buffer.from("<< extract 3rd result from the input transaction object >>"),
// ...
return {
returnCode: ReturnCode.Ok,
returnMessage: returnMessage,
values: values
When the default ResultsParser
misbehaves, please open an issue on GitHub, and also provide as much details as possible about the unparsable results (e.g. provide a dump of the transaction object if possible - make sure to remove any sensitive information).