Signing programmatically
Sign usingUpon installing elrond-core-js, a transaction can be signed as follows:
const fs = require("fs");
const core = require("@elrondnetwork/elrond-core-js");
let keyFileJson = fs.readFileSync("myWallet.json", { encoding: "utf8" }).trim();
let keyFileObject = JSON.parse(keyFileJson);
let account = new core.account();
account.loadFromKeyFile(keyFileObject, "passwordOfMyWallet");
let transaction = new core.transaction(
42, // nonce
"erd1...", // sender
"erd1...", // receiver
"100000000000000000", // value
1000000000, // gas price
70000, // gas limit
"food for cats", // data (not encoded)
"1", // chain ID
1 // tx version
let serializedTransaction = transaction.prepareForSigning();
transaction.signature = account.sign(serializedTransaction);
let signedTransaction = transaction.prepareForNode();
let signedTransactionJson = JSON.stringify(signedTransaction, null, 4);
Above, the content of signedTransactionJson
can be submitted to Elrond API in order to broadcast the transaction.
Sign using erdpy
from erdpy.accounts import Account
from erdpy.transactions import Transaction
tx = Transaction()
tx.nonce = 43
tx.value = "20000000000000000" # 0.00002 EGLD
tx.sender = "erd1..."
tx.receiver = "erd1..."
tx.gasPrice = 1000000000
tx.gasLimit = 50000 = "hello, World!"
tx.chainID = "1"
tx.version = 1
account = Account(key_file="myWallet.json", pass_file="myPass.txt")
payload = tx.to_dictionary()
Above, payload
can be submitted to Elrond API in order to broadcast the transaction. Alternatively, the send
function can be used:
from erdpy.proxy import ElrondProxy
proxy = ElrondProxy("")